Creating Jobs That Create Opportunities

A job is the best way to overcome poverty, and 9 out of 10 jobs in the developing world are created by small and medium sized companies. By investing in them, they can create jobs that lift people out of poverty. And because we only support sustainable business ideas, they protect the environment and solve social issues, too.

How we keep track

We Count Jobs

We use the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to measure our impact. Our impact logic is simple:  We enable African start-ups to create jobs in base-of-pyramid markets. By providing capacity building and business growth support in Africa (SDG 17) and by funding base-of-pyramid businesses (SDG 10) our start-ups provide jobs especially for women (SDG 5 – Gender Equality) which in turn help end extreme poverty (SDG 1). As shareholders in our portfolio companies, we have direct access to impact data, which we validate regularly through field visits.


Eradicate extreme poverty by 2030, measured as people living on less than $1.25 a day.

What it means: Eliminate severe poverty worldwide by ensuring everyone’s income surpasses $1.25 per day. Impacc’s start-ups create jobs in poverty-stricken areas to contribute to this goal by improving  household incomes.

How we measure it: Progress is measured by the number of jobs created, divided into “Big Jobs”, “Gig Jobs”, and “Income Opportunities”. “Big jobs” pay above the country’s minimum wage. “Gig jobs” reflect the modern working world: they are less formal but pay above the country’s poverty line. We also include “income opportunities”, which represent jobs with lower income levels. While all types of jobs are counted in the overall figure, in the annual impact reporting will be a split between these different categories of jobs. 

How we validate it: We maintain clear data reporting agreements with start-ups and have access to their financial records, allowing us to authenticate ‘Big and Gig Jobs’ through detailed payroll and labor payment records. Additionally, start-ups provide self-reported data. In our annual report, we transparently disclose the number of jobs that have been validated through our verification processes alongside those that are self-reported, ensuring clarity and accountability in our impact assessment.

Indicator for Impacc:

Number of jobs created in 2023




Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls.

What it means: Promote equality and empowerment for women by ensuring that women have equal access to good jobs. Impacc puts emphasis on female founded businesses and supports start-ups that actively hire and promote women in their permanent workforce.

How we measure it: Progress is measured by the female ratio in the permanent workforce of the supported start-ups.

How we validate it: Similar to Goal 1, verification of gender distribution in the employment data of start-ups, supported by field visits and data verification.

Indicator for Impacc:

Female ratio in the permanent workforce in 2023


51 % 


Encourage financial support, including foreign direct investment.

What it means: Channel resources to countries facing the most urgent requirements, with a particular focus on those that are least developed, African, island, and landlocked. Impacc actively generates investment flows by directing funds from Europe into African start-ups, with the goal of addressing global inequality and fostering development in regions that require it most. 

How we measure it: For Impacc, this target signifies the intentional redirection of financial resources from more developed regions to regions in need. We ensure transparency through detailed financial operations, meticulously documenting investments, and adhering to tax regulations. We conduct thorough due diligence and create growth milestone plans to guide the investments. 

How we validate it: Our validation process involves aligning our accounting information with the requirements of tax authorities, ensuring financial transparency, and maintaining accurate tracking of investments.

Indicator for Impacc:

Amount of money invested by Impacc since 2020


502.343 €


Enhance capacity-building in developing countries for SDG implementation.

What it means: Strengthening global partnerships to empower developing countries in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), leveraging collaboration among countries from various regions through North-South, South-South, and triangular cooperation. Impacc’s operational model significantly contributes to this goal by both investing in and providing comprehensive business growth support to start-ups in these regions. 

How we measure it: Impacc’s contributions are quantified by tracking salaries, expenses, and the value of pro bono support. We meticulously maintain detailed financial records and ensure partner transparency. This involves capturing the remuneration for our Venture Builders, costs related to employed experts, and the value of services provided through pro bono partnerships. 

How we validate it: Our commitment to this target is validated by ensuring that the figures we disclose align with our accounting records and tax authority requirements. Moreover, we validate the value of pro bono support against prevailing market rates, solidifying the impact of our comprehensive capacity-building efforts on developing countries.

Indicator for Impacc:

Value of business growth support committed to start-ups since 2020


 915.917 €

News & Blog

Impacc Success Stories

SMS Service Kicks Out Middlemen
Our Impact Measurement Is Taking Shape
New Impacc Ventures in Tanzania